
HP2C is closed

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Fact Sheets on HP2C

Two fact sheets presents the HP2C initiative and its projects.

Ear Modeling

Numerical modeling of the ear: towards the building of new hearing devices

Our goal is to develop a model of the human ear, based on a realistic bio-physical description. It turns out that the current understanding of the ear is still unable to explain several physiological features or to give a full coherent picture of the auditive system. Yet, building more efficient hearing devices clearly requires a higher level of understanding. A large part of our approach will be based on the so-called Lattice-Boltzmann (LB) method. This method has a natural fine grain parallelism which makes it a very promising candidate for next generation of computers with a very large amount of concurrent threads and GPU co-processors.

Principal Investigator

  • Prof. Bastien Chopard, University of Geneva


  • Dr. Elisabeth Delevoye, CEA-Grenoble MINATEC LETI/DSIS/LCFE/FIN
  • Dr. Jonas Latt, EPF Lausanne
  • Dr. Jean-Luc Falcone, University of Geneva